This is brand new to me. Perhaps some of you have heard of this before but I sure haven’t. Adult Time is essentially Netflix but for adults and as you can see by the pic it’s not R-rated stuff either. This is proper X-rated stuff but with a narrative.
You know, way back when all porn had a story line. It’s only in the last 20 years or so that most porn had that cut to merely giving a scene a theme. You know, like at the gym, or in the office, or at the massage parlour, whatever, it’s not like I need to tell you, if you’re reading this then you’re not new to porn.
I remember as a teenager, the porn available back then was almost always German to begin with, but it had an entire story. Not that we could understand a word they were saying but heh.
Now there’s a network that offers complete porn series and I am excited to check it out. You can also make use of thisĀ 74% off Adult Time discount link to make it ridiculously easy on the pocket.